A Demonstration
Hotel Video Lesson & In Home Bible Study
August 8, 2020
A Demonstration
We are so glad to have you with us today. I pray that you are becoming stronger and stronger in our Lord during this time of testing upon the earth. I pray that what you see is not shaking your faith in an awesome God. Join me right now as we go to Him in prayer.
Father we are so grateful for your continual love through this attack upon the earth. We thank you for those who are watching, and we pray a special blessing upon them right now. Help them to know your undying love through your word today. And keep them safe always from the evil one we pray. Amen!
When you chose Jesus as your king, do you wish that all would do the same? Wouldn’t it be so wonderful if the whole world could know how kind, gentle and loving the Savior really is? Well, there is a way that they can know. They can know through you. Our lesson today is about demonstrating Jesus in your life.
We can become a demonstration of Christ’s power to save. A demonstration of His power to heal. A demonstration of His power to live Holy lives deep within. Is your character a demonstration today of Jesus?
If it is not, it can be. All you need to do is take your praise from your bedside of lifted hands to Him to an inward trust shown in your character.
Jesus is a King and we know that. But how do we make Him our King? How can we demonstrate to the world that He is a wonderful friend and Savior?
First, you allow through the pain and disappointment a chance for God to demonstrate himself in your life through your pain. It is like putting your life on stage for all to see.
What should you show the world?
1) You don’t fight, you pray.
2) You don’t stand in fear, you kneel in humility and grace.
3) You don’t go out into the world in defense but in offense.
What do I mean when I say defense not offense? That you go remembering what you studied in your word of what He can do. And knowing that with Jesus as your victorious King, Savior, and Lord He will fight your battles for you.
You don’t have to wake up each morning feeling aggressive about the wrong done to you. But you wake up in Jesus knowing that He is going to lead you into victory no matter what you may face. You settle back in peace and tranquility knowing you are a child of the king. An heir to the kingdom and that you have a Father that does nothing but win.
You quote and live by this verse in a changing world. You quote God in Malachi 3:6 saying I am the Lord.
Malachi 3:6
“I change not.”
You remember that God was love back then and He is still love right now. He cares about me back then and even through this difficult trial, He cares about me right now. That is what you need to know.
John was on the Island of Patmos when inspired to write these words in
Revelation 10:9
So I went to the angel and said to him, “Give me the little book.”
And he said to me, “Take and eat it; and it will make your stomach bitter, but it will be as sweet as honey in your mouth.”
This little book was the bible. And the bitterness was like the disappointment that we face living in this world today.
Revelation 10:10
Then I took the little book out of the angel’s hand and ate it, and it was as sweet as honey in my mouth. But when I had eaten it, my stomach became bitter.
By taking the book [the bible] it represented accepting it and what it said or studying it and doing what it told me to do. Eating it up symbolized living by it (or living by its message). To eat the book would be to take its principles into one’s life and watch the fruit of the Spirit in action in that life.
We read the word of God [this little book] by our bed side, and sad to say that is where it stays. It never makes it to our hearts to live out in a world that’s watching and waiting for a better answer. Our day is over and when you look back at your day, we find ourselves disappointed at how we lived for the day.
How do we move our time of praise into our hearts and into the world? How do you take what you learned in the presence of the Lord into your heart and mind?
1) Be real about who you are in the presence of the Lord.
2) Love Him before you go to work for Him.
3) Humble yourself in His presence.
4) Listen to Him and allow Him to speak to you.
5) Trust Him to be your God and you His child.
6) Throughout your day remember what He has said to you in private and do what He tells you to do.
7) Ask Him for power to live a Godly life for the whole day. One day at a time.
8) Then remember He is true to His word and He never changes.
You can demonstrate Jesus to others in your life today. And handle the disappointments that you are facing in this world with Christ by your side.
DURING THE END TIMES…Disappointments will come.
It happened in Jesus day too. During this time upon the earth there is an unveiling going on. The lives of those who say they love God is being exposed through the trials. Are you watching? Are you seeing situations and circumstances that are showing that their love for God has grown cold? The situation is overtaking the Christian instead of the Christian overtaking the situation.
Look around you right now. What do you see? You see God’s people beginning to stand for anything except Him.
They are distracted and overpowered by Godless people who Timothy said in:
2 Timothy 3:2
For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!
That is a long list that this world operates out of. But God wants to make sure that this is not His children operating out of it.
Disappointments are getting the best of those who say they love Him.
The Cross was a disappointment to many…
It was undoubtedly the greatest spiritual disappointment of all times. A great number of people had believed on Christ. He was sent to an execution as a chief criminal. Many must have determined that following Jesus had been a terrible error. But Jesus told them what was going to happen to Him. But just like today when trouble comes, many forget the words of Jesus and lose faith and hope. Jesus told them what was going to happen to Him in:
Matthew 20:18-19
“Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be betrayed to the chief priests and to the scribes; and they will condemn Him to death, and deliver Him to the Gentiles to mock and to scourge and to crucify. And the third day He will rise again.”
The disciples were disappointed. Their king was going to die. And they lost all hope. Are you losing hope through what you are seeing in the world today? Are you afraid to a point that you don’t want to go on? Are you straddling the fence to keep friends but becoming the enemy of God? Don’t do as the disciples. They forgot what Jesus had said. He said, “I will rise again.” I will be back. I am not going to just leave you down here to figure all of this out on your own. I am not going to allow the enemy to win in your life. Remember what I have said in my word. Instead of being sad, be a demonstration of my power in your life. Demonstrate to those who hate, how to love. Demonstrate what forgiveness looks like to those who hurt you and persecute you. Demonstrate how God will deal with your enemies for you and know that your enemies are His enemies too. If you do it your way you lose. Use my power and win!
How do we relate to God during our disappointments?
Hebrews 13:5 says, For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Trust in His word that He is always with you. And when disappointments come, remember what He has told you in His word. He said that in eternity you will always be with him.
So, how does someone get through losing someone they love? Or the disappointment of a child or spouse that goes astray? Or when you pray and pray and pray and you see no change of events?
When things don’t go the way we planned it or the way we thought that it would, God is still with you. That has not changed. And that is all that you need to know.
God’s word is saying to you today that there is hope beyond disappointment. Your life can be a demonstration through disappointments. You can show the world who is your king. You can allow the world to see the power of God when He rescue you from your troubles. Demonstrate to them laughter when you should be crying. Yes, they will see your pain, but let them see your victory too.
So, hold your head up high and dry your weeping eyes. God is the same God that He has always been. And if He has said it, you can bank on it being done. Believe that today and now come with me to the throne of grace in your time of need and let Him know how much, from this day forward, you will trust him and never doubt in an unchanging God ever again.
Let us Pray!
Heavenly Father we are not afraid because you are with us. This world is so sad. And even though others may disappoint us, you never disappoint us. You love us and care for us. You never change. You have chosen us as your people. Let them walk in offense and not defense today. Let them know they don’t have to fight. You have already won for them. All they have to do is believe that, live that, demonstrate that and walk that narrow path with you. As you begin to bring this old world closer to its close, let us look up and draw from your power to keep on going. Give them the strength they need. And when it looks so scary and dark, remind them that you will change how you feel about them and you will never leave them nor forsake them. And that is all they need to know. We thank you in Jesus name we pray. Amen!
You are a winner today when you trust in God. Don’t lose hope God is still with you. Just remember that today. And if you need prayer, just let us know. You can email us or call us and we will join you in prayer and go in the presence of an unchanging God for your healing, your finances, your protection and your saving power. Thank you for joining us here at Light of the World Ministries and look for another Hotel Video In-Home Bible Study message very soon.
Next Video Lesson: November 7, 2020